Cloudflare Pages Deployment Guide
How to create a new project
Fork this project on GitHub, then log in to and go to Pages.
- Click “Create a project”.
- Choose “Connect to Git”.
- Connect Cloudflare Pages to your GitHub account.
- Select the forked project.
- Click “Begin setup”.
- For “Project name” and “Production branch”, use the default values or change them as needed.
- In “Build Settings”, choose the “Framework presets” option and select “Next.js”.
- Do not use the default “Build command” due to a node:buffer bug. Instead, use the following command:
npx @cloudflare/next-on-pages --experimental-minify
- For “Build output directory”, use the default value and do not modify it.
- Do not modify “Root Directory”.
For “Environment variables”, click “>” and then “Add variable”. Fill in the following information:
Optionally fill in the following based on your needs:
CODE= Optional, access passwords, multiple passwords can be separated by commas
OPENAI_ORG_ID= Optional, specify the organization ID in OpenAI
HIDE_USER_API_KEY=1 Optional, do not allow users to enter their own API key
DISABLE_GPT4=1 Optional, do not allow users to use GPT-4
ENABLE_BALANCE_QUERY=1 Optional, allow users to query balance
DISABLE_FAST_LINK=1 Optional, disable parse settings from url
OPENAI_SB=1 Optional,use the third-party OpenAI-SB API
- Click “Save and Deploy”.
- Click “Cancel deployment” because you need to fill in Compatibility flags.
- Go to “Build settings”, “Functions”, and find “Compatibility flags”.
- Fill in “nodejs_compat” for both “Configure Production compatibility flag” and “Configure Preview compatibility flag”.
- Go to “Deployments” and click “Retry deployment”.
- Enjoy.